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Mar 12, 2011

iPad 2-- will you get one?

By Delon Anthony

Though it has been just under a year since the original iPad hit stores, Apple has already made some big changes with the iPad 2, the most significant of which is its slimmer, lighter design. The iPad 2 is 33-percent thinner than the original model, going from half-an-inch to approximately 0.34-inches thick. The casing has also been revised to have a rounded tapered edge, and the device now sports both a front- and a rear-facing camera, which will allow for 720p HD video recording, still photographs, video conferencing and more.
the iPad 2 features Apple's next-generation dual-core mobile processor, the 1GHz A5, which is twice as fast as the original with nine-times the graphics power. Games will also be able to make use of the new built-in gyroscope.
how much does it cost ?
The iPad 2 will come in the same six SKUs as the original; one 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB model for both the Wi-Fi-only and 3G-compatible models. Pricing for the Wi-Fi models will be $499, $599, and $699, while the 3G-capable models will cost $629, $729, and $829. 

When Can I Buy One? 
The iPad 2 will go on sale March 11 in the United States, and March 25 in 26 other countries, including: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. so that means that Dubai is out of the picture until march 25 :(

What Add-ons Are Available? 
One of the highly touted features of the iPad 2 is its ability to output 1080p HD video via an optional 30-pin connector adapter, available through Apple for $39. its also has many more applications to suite the feel of having an iPad 2, 

it has many more features, i am sure that you will get one your self, below is the official unboxing of the iPad 2 by IGN enjoy.........


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