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Apr 16, 2011

My first Trip alone!!!!!

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

My first trip alone!!!!!

As the title, tells the whole story, i took my first trip alone, to Srilanka my Homeland, well enjoy what i wrote but pls pls dont get bored, cause i put a lot into writing stuff i did before the flight and after the flight, so enjoy

Well i woke up thimking to myself what will it be like to fly or travel to another location by myself, at first i was really thrilled, you know the feeling when u want to try something totally different, than compared to ur normal daily routine, that was my feeling but it suddendly changed when my dad gave me the boarding infoamtion before the flight، cause u need those things to help get your self checked in, normally my dad would handle all those infomation details and stuff but now it was my turn, i got scared for the first few mins but later got used to it cause i remember my dad doing the same thing before, so i figured if he can do why cant i ?
So time passed on, i got ready and the next thing i knew i was in the airport getting my self checking in......... After a few mins i was relieved cause the hard part was over....... But was i, ya actually ya i was sure that the hard part was over, so i said my good byes, my mum was almost crying her eyes out when she saw me walk towards the immigration counter, i looked back and said bye,
then i boreded the flight had some breskfast and enjoyed a relaxing thrilling movie btw i watched Tron hheeehehe (i will be doing a review of it soon)
anyways after the long 4 hrs flight i got off and headed over to the immigration counter and there something happened
the guy behind the counter told me that my passport had expired, i looked at him with hate but with a smile on my face and told him 'i know'
after that he continued on with his work and then i headed over to the baggage claim belt and "claimed" my baggage
after i met up with my cousins who came over to pick me up from the airport and then we headed over to my grand nan's house
after a well deserved rest i awoke to find my self in the mist of greenery all around than compared to dubai i just stared and wondered to my self and muttered a word or two saying 'beautiful, spectacular' ,etc

a few days past and i finally got my passport renued, now i was free
but limitied to certain luxuies like internet access, well i can live a few days without internet access but when u have people missing you in another country its quite hard to communicate with them, but i managed to tell them how i was feeling and things like that
after another day in harmony and tranquallity i had to go and visit my other relatives which was good cause i havent seen them in quite some time and i was anxcious to see them, after a long trip up and down from house to house, we reached home and i relaxed my self again, by looking at the scenery surrounding me, i couldnt get enough of it, but then it got better i was told that we were going to the beach, i was on cloud nine and happy as can be
after the wonderful beach trip i returned home sick, coughing and sneezing, but it was worth it (sorry no pictures guys i forgot to take a camera)
i was sick for a couple of days but looking at the greenery around me i felt much more better, it seems that a beautiful scenery can really help you relax and just let loose, ok not let loose but you know, relax and enjoy what nature has to offer us.

I can go on and on about my trip but i dont want to bore you, my fellow readers.
This picture on was, how you say breathtaking, 
so this trip of mine was a really nice experience for me, now i have the confidence to travel alone, well now i am gonna confess something to you guys, i dont like travelling alone and i do get really scared, even though i dont show it, i become terrified, my heart races, i begin to think like i am all alone in this dark dark world, and i dont want that to happen.
so this trip was, really scary for me, but i really enjoyed it

There are many things to do there but sadly i was limitied to a very short trip, i could really enjoy the wonder that Srilanka had to offer but, i did enjoy the time i had with  my family and relatives 


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