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Apr 22, 2011

something new and something used

By Delon Anthony

well I just got this new app for my iPhone 3G and trust me it is new cause I haven't used my iPhone for years so let's cut to the Chase and say that this app is old but I am not that sure, I really don't know what I am writing right now so bear with me
but what I am trying to say is that there is this app called 'iblog for blogger' so I just downloaded it and I am currenty using it to write stuff directly from my iPhone rathe than going on to my notebook pc, I will be using this from now on when I am not that close to my notebook so anyways take care and do expect more
and I want to apologize for this late yet not interesting post I was really busy and stuff so I didn't have the time to blog that much but i am sure to make more time



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