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May 16, 2011

Disbelief, can it be???

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

To my fellow readers that originate and stay in the UAE, have you noticed that when ever you need a mode of transportation like a cab or something to help you get from place to place, you never seem to find anything, or anyone around, but when you are on your way to work or place of leisure, with a friend or family relatives, you seem to see all the cabs in the world, driving right past, you picking up their fares, and heading out, dropping people and stuff like that, tell me i know you guys have seen this happen and have experienced it before, i know i have and its really frustrating,and also when your at a location and desperately needs a cab, you never seem to find one at the very moment, i know there has been a problem of taxis being in short supply but i am not sure if its, still going one but i do feel like its still going on................... so i hate it and when you do finally get a cab, 2 or 3 role up from behind you to pick up other people, and this is from personal experience, i was just looking, with disbelief on my face........ ya it was disbelief................

And not only for taxis the same thing happens when you plan in taking a bus to your destination, you stand for hrs, waiting for the bus but when you plan on leaving and you walk away, usually far away from the bus stop, the bus roles in, all calm, like another bus minding its business, and at this time your thinking to your self, "why the hell" ok not hell but "why did i leave, now i cant run again and get the bus, look its going, come on" and then at this same time your running to the bus stop and you see it stopped there for a while and you say that you can make it, but sadly you dont, and they also never plan on waiting for us, i am not saying all the time, but at most occasions like if the bus is too full or he cant wait to go to the next stop and drop off those people, as quickly as possible,
i know that this is just me complaining about the RTA services in the UAE (btw RTA is Roads and Transport Authority) so getting back, i just wanted to talk about this for some time now, it was really bugging me, so but, i really dont know what to say, i feel like this happens a lot to me, could it be my timing, could it be my stupidity, could it be them, you be the judge, thnx for reading, and enjoy


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