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May 14, 2011

OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD woooohoooo!!!!!!

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

oooooooh ya OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD woooohoooo!!!!!! it may be old news but it will never grow old, it will never die out but he did, that faithful day will be in the hearts and minds of the people
of the world, forever and ever
when i heard this i was in my way to college one bright and wonderful day, i got up that day saying to my self i have a feeling that something good and something bad will
happen, well something good and something bad did happen, the best thing that happened, was when i turned on the news, and heard the news lady, or who ever  call her
anchor l;ady or something, she said and i quote "THE US........ CONFIRM.........THAT.............OSAMA BIN LADEN IS CONFIRMED DEAD..........., at this time hearing the whole story
that she was telling there was no reaction on my face cause, i was thinking that this was just a joke but i though to my self the radio never lies, so i didnt want to act like a complete
fool in front of my father when he was driving, so i just kept my cool, and took a short nap, cause we were directed into traffic, and i thought to my self, after all these years
hes finally dead, and if you had seen my face, a little smile imerged, and all th angels sang for joy and happiness, well this is all in my head and you could say that i have a vivid
imagination, along with that flowers grew from soil that had blood shed on them, people came out of their homes, cheering and crying that after all this time hes gone,
country, i am not American, but was sure happy that this happened, well not happy, overjoyed this happened, cause of all the carnage that he brought aupon the world, i dont want
to describe the destriction,, casued by such a man, cause its all over now, but i still hear that some people are saying that hes not, dead some say that hes alive, well i dont believe them, but what i do believe is that the destruction and carnage will not stop, there are others like him out there, maybe even more badder than usual maybe hos kids (you may never know), maybe they are planning something as you read this, but one thing is for certain, the man the did the US damage is gone, whats done is done now lets enjoy and be more prepared to face what ever he and his kids or others that follow him, can throw at us, cause we know that through the power of the lord we can stop this madness and bring peace to every place the every state to every home, GOD BLESS AMERICA

hahahahahahahaah you are dead !!!!!!!!


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