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Yeeehawww XD :D

When was the last time your iPhone made you coffee? And no, I don't mean "pointed you toward the nearest Starbucks"—I mean actually brewed a cuppa Joe, thats all good for now but now its the future, so they will consider putting things into much smaller places, or in this case making it smaller , when have you ever seen a phone, that made coffee, never i sure have never seen it before, i am shocked yet glad now you can spend less on a kitchen item cause its included in the phone 

Introducing the Pomegrante Phone, the first smartphone to offer e-mail, Internet browsing, an MP3 player, and GPS navigation in addition to such atypical "extras" as a harmonica, an electric shaver, and a coffee brewer.
What? Is this for real? Well, no. But it is a pretty clever, albeit expensive, viral ad campaign, but it might be a thing of the future, i am sure that one company in the near future will join forces with the people that came up with this idea and will consider building it and then as usual they will make it more expensive, than ever before...........

The L.A. Times explains:
The Pomegranate Phone is part of a $300,000 ad campaign put together by Nova Scotia. Yes, that Nova Scotia, the small province in southeastern Canada.
Indeed, clicking the "release date" link in the upper right-hand corner of the Pomegranate Phone's microsite reveals the truth:
"Someday you'll be able to get everything you want in one device," reads the text that appears on-screen as you're redirected to Nova Scotia's tourism site. "Today you can get everything you want in one place, yes that is all true......


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