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Jan 17, 2011

CommoN FooD NamE OriginS ^____^

By Delon Anthony

Ever wondered what food actually meant, well i do they are meant for eating ^__^

but getting back to the point at hand
I recently saw that certain food has an explanation, you could say a certain origin to them, i was stunned when i saw this because i for the love of me didn't even know this existed until today ^__^

Firstly lets start with

it does look tasty so wonder where it originated from well i will tell you this classic Southern side dish that features cooked fresh corn and toothsome Lima beans, succotash first appeared in the English language in the mid- to late-1700s. 
don't we all know our favorite looney toons characters  remember Sylvester the Cat lisping remember what he said every-time tweety bird  got away he said 
"thufferin' thuccotash" 
just say it a few times and them look at the dish Succotash and tell me what you think ^__^



Dont we all likebiscuits with our tea in the eveing times at around tea time, i know i do 
well from the French for "twice cooked," biscuits in their original meaning referred to flat, thin cookies or crackers.
British cooks used this baking method to keep their cookies, or sea biscuits, crisp while on a long voyages.
Italian biscotti resemble these crumbly seafaring snacks.



The practice of eating cooked ground meat is more than 800 years old, but shaping it into a patty and sandwiching it between a bun is a more modern concept. Named after the town of Hamburg, Germany, 
hamburgers were thought to have been popularized by 19th century sailors who brought back the idea of eating shredded raw beef from the Russian Baltic's.

Damn thats a lot to read then let me sum it up for you hamburger patty's have been on the planet for more than 800 years named after a town called hamburg and gained popularity in the 19th century ^_^

And Finally 


don't we all love our "Sundays" just messing with you its sundaes ^__^ sorry about that just a small joke

 The first official documentation of this sauced sweet treat dates back to an 1892 Ithaca Daily Journal advertisement for a pharmacy's new ice cream specialty known as the Cherry Sunday. Legend has it, the pharmacist topped a scoop of vanilla ice cream with cherry syrup and a candied cherry to please a reverend who stopped in for his weekly post-church treat, hence, Sunday!
see thats what i was talking about but i made it a joke get it ^__^

Almost forgot 


We all love barbecue but some of dont, they loook tasty but i may be wrong or am I ?

well  the French phrase "de barbe à queue," which means "from beard to tail,"
has the same meaning to barbecue

 Mostly all Americans have tasted this alternately saucy, sweet, spicy, or dry-rubbed delicacy, but few can agree on the origins of its name. Hotly debated theories like the one above about the French origin
and also from the word barabicu found in Native American and Caribbean dialects, which then became barbacoa in Spanish, meaning "sacred fire pit."

 Wherever the truth lies in the smoky haze of folklore, we'll gladly keep eating this succulent American dish.

Well then that all for now please stay tunned for more hopefully more, just kidding there will be more just give me time i am just human, or am I ?

well anyways leave your comment and requests for different post that i should talk about it ca be anything it can be some thing totally random also, that will accepted  

thanks for reading 
Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did enjoy writing it out for you all

Hint: Mostly all food origins came from the French uhmmm.... thats something to think about,maybe every food type has a French meaning 
now thats an AwSome THing ^__^  


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