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Jan 17, 2011

Have Zodiac Signs Changed? New Zodiac Signs 2011

By Delon Anthony

The New Zodiac Signs Chart 2011 is given below:
Capricorn January 20- to February 16
Aquarius February 16 to March 11
Pisces March 11 to April 18.
Aries April 18 to May 13
Taurus May 13 to June 21.
Gemini June 21 to July 20
Cancer July 20 to August 10
Leo August 10 to September 16
Virgo September 16 to October 30
Libra October 30 to November 23
Scorpio November 23 to November 29
Ophiuchus November 29 to December 17
Sagittarius December 17 to January 20
The common debates on Zodiac are
1) It affects those born after 2009
2) The Zodiac signs of everyone has changed
3) It doesnot affects western world
4) Since there are 12 months,hence 12 zodiacs
5) Zodiacs depend on position of sun and stars at the time of birth and not at the earth’s movement
However even the astrologers too are divided on this theory.The common belief is that the Zodiac sign created centuries ago had much high quality of expertise in them and therefore cannot be challenged.And why not? There was no Tv,no drugs,no fashion centuries earlier,so the zodiac signs came out from pure,sacred and expert minds
i Know it maybe AwSome but this time i have to disagree i went from being a Aries to a Pisces, now thats a real change i dont know how am i gonna cope up with the change
i knew this year would be different but not this different cause i celebrate my birthday according to Aires i was born an Aries and i will die an Aries not a Pisces 
Comment tell what you think of the Drastic Change in the Zodiac signs  


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