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Jan 18, 2011

I really hate my laptop soo much

By Delon Anthony

Well recently I was using my most trusted laptop but then diaster struck,it fell in to a deep sleep and now inwas forced to use my iPhone which is good in one way but hard as he'll to type and stuff but in angular way it's fun cause I am using my iPhone for my new post till I get a new laptop hopefully, so getting back to the point at hand
I was using my laptop and it suddenly crashed, I had the same problem before but this time it was different it said there was some error in my hard disk or some thing like that, so I got angry and threw if across my room I actually did that, then I checked it again and it stopped working completely so I reinstalled windows it was lucky I had my recovery disks with me so some thin lead to another and I reinstalled windows and then it just made it slower and it kept lagging and stuff and then I threw it again but this time I left in that same place and I fell asleep thinking that all my files were gone and never to be seen again but at the cost of not even getting my laptop work as it's supposed to
Well now I am just sad and I will continue to be so don't expect any new posts and stuff but new post will be on their way but they will be using a much slower route of travel
Well that all for now
Thnx for reading
And expect more
Soo sorry about this I will do everything to get this problem solved
And thank you for your patience


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