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Jan 15, 2011

LiKes and DislikeS

By Delon Anthony

One of the most classic topics to speak about, also even to discuss about, people always like to discuss their likes and dislikes this might be the best topic to talk about when meeting a new

 Just put in this conversation starter and see where it goes from there, trust me it has helped me a lot it also helped me realize that special person is out there some where, this topic acts like a base for a good conversation. Some examples:

>Favorite songs/albums.
>Favorite movies/TV-shows.
>The nastiest tasting piece of candy/food you have eaten.
>Best/worst Computer software today
>The best vacation ever vs. the worst one.
>The best or worst job/boss/co-worker you've ever had
>Different Types of Food and Dishes

 These likes and dislikes can help classify people into different categorizes like a sporty person will of course love sports, a Lively person loves to do things that he/she thinks keeps him/her active and occupied but at the sme time enjoying them selves, there are other people to discuss so leave a comment telling what kind of person you are and what are your like and dislikes ^__^

Requests are always welcome to discuss about just send the request to my email with you name and topic to discuss ^__^ - discussions about different topics, different news segments, etc


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