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Flip phones were ultra hot at the end of the 90′s and early 2000′s. As long as you weren’t a stuffy “business” person who owned a Blackberry or Palm, you probably had a flip phone. Then, Apple’s iPhone came and changed the world of cell phones completely.
Smart phones took over and the flip phone died.
It’s back. Kind of.
With 3 flexible touchscreens, a triangular design, and custom Android interface, this creative and functional design gives us a glimpse of how smart phones might be flipped themselves.


                            What is being creative? from Kristian Ulrich Larsen on Vimeo.

this stylish phone may look cool but i am not sure that its out yet but i am really waning to get this phone its really cool, it has a really cool design making it really unique, i have never seen anything like this before, i am stunned and shocked that they can make a flip phone like that
the company that make these phone are still unknown but i am sure that they will show their faces soon it comes with an alluvium case, steel mesh LED LID coloured lines, making it more attractive, and more appealing and i am sure  that you are wondering to your self, "damn i want this phone really bad"  it also comes with 3 flexible screens DAMN !!!!!!
i am sure that this is the future for mobile design, i say again i really want it..........

as seen in the video above, it really really nice to use, the software maybe something new than the previous mobile software's but i am not sure what i am talking about, but i am sure that the software used in this phone is hopefully new and really improved, i am sure that the performance of this phone will determine the future of mobile technology 


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