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Feb 11, 2011

Another Day, Another Chance to Change

By Delon Anthony

Everyday we awake to the miracle called life. Instead of rejoicing in it too many of us take it for granteLagunaBeach1-23-10d.

well another day another chance, you have another 24 hrs ahead of you make it last so
do the following things :

 Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while or don’t see very often.
Connecting with another person will make a difference to them and to you as well.
who knows maybe you can really make a special connection with that person 
 Take a walk, exercise or meditate for any reason.
I enjoy walking, but when I told myself I needed to do it to lose weight I had to fight inner resistance. 
After working indoors for several days in a row, however, I began to crave walking as a breather for my mind. That makes all the difference. this is something i should have done but i fail to do everyday 
 Make small changes in your physical environment. It can do wonders for your perspective, outlook and outcomes.
If the idea of decluttering an entire room, for example,  is as overwhelming to you as it is to me, just clear your desktop or nightstand. Scan those magazines you’ve intended to read and toss. (I’m saying change you entire outlook who knows maybe it may stick) you may find something new in front of you 
If you work at home,  work in a different area of the house for a change. Creating articles on my patio yields different ideas from the ones I get inside.
Since most of my work is done on my laptop actually all of my work is done on my laptop but i am lazy to go to the library and stuff but with another day there is always a chance to change the way you live your life. 


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