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ever wondered who created Homer Simpson, if you wanna know read this article and then look at the picture, i know you guys know who created him but there is more than just meets the eye or something like that 

LOL this is just F**ked up but still really v=cool  i was really stunned when i saw this picture of Homer Simpson, If you look closely, you can see that Homer’s little squiggle of hair and right ear resemble an ‘M’ and a ‘G.’ Those letters stand for the name of his creator,

 Matt Groening! Groening originally designed the features to resemble the letters much more closely, but he thought the ear was too distracting. He still draws the ear as a ‘G’ when he draws pictures of Homer for fans though! 

the animators those days have the need to write their initials in their characters cause of the fear of having them Copied and stuff 
well i dont know what i am saying but i am sure every single person signs their works when they are done but this is just a whole new level of copy right fragment  LOL 


Anonymous said...

LOL cool man XD

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