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hahaahahahahah i love this, this guy thought he can do whatever he can cause he was  the youngest billionaire and then he announced that he was gonna shut down Facebook, that actually helped him become famous then he got his just deserts cause he said i am gonna shut down Facebook and then he lost money and then he got owned by some other younger dude, this is the best news i have heard in a long time.........

This distinction actually goes to his former roommate, Dustin Moskovitz! Moskovitz is 8 days younger than Zuck, and has a net worth of $1.4 billion. Only eight American billionaires are under the age of 40, and three of these co-founded Facebook: Zuckerberg, Moskovitz, and Eduardo Saverin. The latter two are no longer with the company, however - Moskovitz left in 2008 to start his own software venture, and Saverin was sued by Facebook a year after Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard. Though Zuckerberg is no longer the youngest billionaire in the world, I’m sure he’s not fretting one bit, considering at $6.9 billion he is still worth nearly 5 times as much as his college roommate! 

well the article says it all hes only richer than his room-mate    heeeehawww  haahahahahaahahhahhahahahahhhaha what a douche bag i can laugh at this article for ever and ever cause he did this to him self 


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