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Feb 7, 2011

A Tangled Movie Review ^__^

By Delon Anthony

well i have been waiting to do a movie review for this movie called Tangled

well in my opinion this movie was the best i have seen in years and it was just amazing :D i loved it even before i saw it i know thats impossible but just look at this picture above and wouldnt you say "Awwwwwww look a her shes soo cute", ok maybe thats not exactly what you said but i know i said that i fell in love with her from the begining i saw her so you can say it love at first sight :D

any ways getting back to the review her voice was played by Mandy Moore, a real tallented actress that brings life to the role she plays in. i was really glad they let her play the role but some one else would have done a even better job but i am sure who cause i dont want to be the bad guy here so i will leave that to you guys reading this so leave a comment saying who could have played the part of Rapunzel instead of Mandy Moore

Well any ways the main actor in this movie called Flynn Ryder who was played by Zachary levi, well i haven't seen him act in any movie before and trust me i have seen a lot of movie but i cant remember that much :D
well he also played his part really well and i was glad, and enjoyed the movie from start to finish :D

The movie was amazing as i said before above but once you watch it you will want to watch it over and over again cause that way the movie was planned out was just pure genesis, i loved it so much i cant get enough of it :D
especially the romance, drama and all the love between Rapunzel and Flynn present in the movie really  made me cry mostly, which was towards the end :D, and stuff like that
and i did cry, by the way i am very emotional when it come to movie's like this one

ok well overall the movie was the best, i enjoyed it and i know you all reading this will enjoy it as well :D
any ways leave comments telling how you felt about the movie but i am sure you will love it soo much that you wont have tome to comment on this review but pls do find time :D
thnx have a nice day and stay tuned for more  



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