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May 17, 2011

How the little things affect us...

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

There are many things, many situations in life that affect us in different ways, they can be small they can be big, they can be medium, they can be imaginary, they can be real, what ever the case may be, there is all ways something or another that affects us in different ways, we show it through expressions, actions, reactions, kinda the same but, also other ways, it hard to pin point how these different things effect us, cause it changes gradually, it may last a few mins, hours, days maybe, but there will be something or another to change us later, whether it may be good or bad, but we all love good things happing to us, no one likes going through bad situations that affect themselves in a negative way, we all love to live life happily, and we can, we can change our selves to better ourselves in the future, only thtough change can we succeed in life, it maybe a hard and difficult road for some of us but with out the courage, and the willingness to strive forward, we cant hope to achieve anything, the little things like a........... (i will let you fill in that), situations are dependent on the person, i cant tell what situations, or the little things that affect us i may be wring myself, but we alone know ourselves, and should do the necessary to change it for the better......
there have been many situations in my life where, everything seemed to go from bad to worse, you may have seen me mention it in some of my posts, but i have learnt that without suffering, can we hope to win, without sacrifice, we cant hope to reach the highest point, without hard work, we can not reach that top most step on the ladder of success, there maybe people all around us to bring us down, De-motivate us, stop us from reaching our goals, they may deprive us of certain luxuries, but again without sacrifice, what can we hope to achieve, sure we can achieve those minor things in life, but we must look for the bigger goals ahead of us, we must take flight to reach that destinations in the skies, the highest point, i am not saying dying is the option here, its through hard work and determination can we hope to succeed in life, every step of a persons journey may not be pickles and rainbows, it will be hard, for some it may be easy, but a journey is still a journey,
 We are not meant to stay in one place, we need to e freed, standing around in one place will not get you anywhere, your future is in your hands, friends, family will be there to help you but they can do very little, the rest is up to you, you alone must, make sure that you spread your wings and fly off in doing so, set your self free, do the things you find most dear to your heart, learn new things, dont stand in one place, i made that mistake, and i am still working forward to earn my wings ..............


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