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May 17, 2011

Raw results: Pipe dreams

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

"i really hate this pic"
I never saw the day that i will be reporting about a story, from WWE.com about the Miz, but news is news, well anyways 
SAN ANTONIO – Remember the Alamo! That famous slogan was echoed throughout this Texas city after the vicious battles there in 1836. Nearly 200 years later, people are bound to remember San Antonio for a series of different battles, the ones leading up to WWE Over the Limit in just six days.

When it comes to “I Quit” Matches, WWE Champion John Cena has a vocabulary consisting of just one word: “No.” The Miz realizes that fact and continues to try to figure a way to beat The Champ at WWE Over the Limit in just such a bout.
Earlier in the evening, Miz was allowed to choose both a match stipulation and an opponent for Cena in the night’s main event match and leveraged that to his advantage. The Cleveland Screamer, WTF the Cleveland Screamer, seriously what the hell is this shit, but getting back so he chose a No Holds Barred Match and Jack Swagger as Cena’s opponent. The former World Heavyweight Champion got dirty right away, ambushing The Champ from behind. The All-American American would eventually pay for the ambush, though, when Cena snapped on an STF.
Despite Cena winning the bout, Miz was still swift to talk trash. He and hislackey, Alex Riley, attacked Cena, but The Champ pushed through the pain and chased the two from the ring, vowing that he will never utter the words “I quit.”
He will never Quit" hes not built for that ^__^
I am sure that John Cena, will win hos match at Over the limit due to this set back caused by the Miz , frankly i really hated the Miz more than ever now and then he also attacks the Champ before their match, seriously i know that i am just bragging and complaining like a little girl but thats just not fair , But at Over the limit Cena will be victorious, he Made Batista utter the words I Quit so what makes the Mis special, so............ Cena will retain the championship and face the Rock on my Birthday on April 1st 2012, i really cant wait for that match 
Credit goes to WWE.com for the story, heres a link http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2011-05-11/results


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