♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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Yeeehawww XD :D

Well, this question has been passed around a few time, than one and question has many people thinking, what do i want to be, well if your like me, you will still be thinking, but no two people are the same, making their dreams, and realities different from one another , so lets see well i got asked this question most times, than often, and my answer was" I DONT ACTUALLY KNOW", i want to be so many things, when i grow up but, choosing the right path can be the right thing to do, or can effect you dramatically, so that was my answer at that time, i sound like an old Grandpa, many kids and young adults have this answer in their head, they may want to be an artist like my self, a Model, an Astronaut, A Fancy race car driver, isnt that all what kids dream about, the wind in their hair, the thrill of going miles and miles, for hours and hours, there are other professions, unlock your mind, search its files find what you like and put that as your main priority for the day........

 But still getting back, a few years back when i was about 10 ish i was asking this question, again my answer was the same, but this time i ad a motive, i had a plan i my head, i told my questioner, i wanted to be  a Architect, or may be a Travel Manager just like my dad, funny how it seem that some people in your life, help you change your mind so drastically, that what you wished you wanted to be, you cant do, or you can but thats not, how they explain it to it, they tell you all the bad things about it, all the long working hours and the less pay, then you come to realize that, wait a minute, is this what i want to take, it this what i want to do in my life, i want have the money or time for my family and friends, then they tell you about a whole different type of job and then from there you think, ok i may go for that, WELL I SAY F***K that job stick with what you love doing, i got the same opportunity but threw it away because, i wanted to be a Artist, but now i am doing a course in Travel and Tourism, i love both professions, but i took Travel and Tourism, cause i Love to travel to different locations, Like i want to be able to travel to Brazil for a month, and maybe consider staying there... starting a family, and then retiring as an artist in my older age.....
Well then to my young and old and passionate readers, i tell you listen and look for what you love the most and go for it, you may fail at first but, if your passionate about something and you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything, go out live your dreams.......... keep it fresh and consider the little thing in life,


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