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Yeeehawww XD :D

Credit to Machinima for the Trailer and E3
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm E3 2011 Trailer [HD]
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Release: TBA
Genre: RTS
Platform: PC
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Website: http://us.starcraft2.com/
StarCraft II is the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, and the sequel to the hit original, StarCraft. The game will include three completely distinct and balanced races, the protoss, terran, and zerg, which have been overhauled and re-imagined with a number of new units for each, as well as new tricks for some of the classic units that are returning.
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"What more can they do?? cant wait to see how it end or is this just the beginning ???"


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