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Jun 2, 2011

Batman: Arkham City Catwoman Trailer

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D
I couldn't resist posting this, it make me happy, very happy ^^

Gamespot’s hosting a (currently) exclusive trailer for Batman: Arkham City which gives us a good look at Two-Face’s face and Catwoman’s… well, lots of Catwoman.
The footage in this trailer implies that Catwoman will be fully playable, showing climbing mechanics and combat animations. On top of that, it looks like Catwoman will have an arsenal of gadgets just like Batman, as the trailer shows her deploying a bolo directly to the face of a goon henchman.
Some were wondering how Arkham City would justify its existence as a sequel when it doesn’t have any multiplayer. I’d say adding another full, playable character would do it nicely.

Also, Catwoman ass. Imagine the DLC possibilities. ^^ I have always wanted to play as Cat Woman, so that i can just stare at her Excellence ^^


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