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Yeeehawww XD :D

Could this really be in the new IOS5 for the iPhone,Another concept of widgets — this time to mirror the dashboard setup in Mac OS X. The implementation is similar to my other widget video. However, in this concept, widgets and apps are separated.Basically, you can consider this layout as having two sides. You have your apps and folders where they have been. But when you slide over to the old Spotlight Search screen, the wallpaper shifts and you're taken into a Dashboard screen similar to the kind found in Mac OS X. You can have many pages of widgets (exactly the same way as the app home screens, but in the opposite direction). Widgets can come with downloaded applications and can be different sizes. Shown are my designed widgets for Facebook and Twitter.

I have been waiting for an update like this one including the widgets and stuff, hopefully it wont get delayed or something, but for sure i know that the new iPhone 5 will be delayed, but more on that later
Credit to "janmike34" on You-Tube for the video and enjoy

"Widgets done right"
Credit to "janmike34" on You-tube for the video check out his, website for the latest updates www.janmichaelcart.com


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