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Jun 13, 2011

My Summer time To-Do List ^^

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

Well there are so many things that all of what to do but never have the time, we all want to go to that party or hang out with our friends, but never seemed to have the time cause of either school, college or even work, but i am not sure if some of u are working this summer, one thing i can tell you is that seize the moment, just think what if this is the last summer vacation you get, to have fun and all u do is work, i am not saying dont work during the summer to earn some cash, all i am sayin' is that enjoy ur self, well now lets get into what i wanted to talk about:

My Summer time To-Do List 
Firstly there are so many thing i was looking forward to do during this summer vacation, here is some but mostly all of them ^^
1) Sleep !!!!!!!!( i never got enough of sleep this time, but i have got used to it, but still i long for those long hours laying on my bed, just looking up to fan and thinking to my self, YES now i can sleep !!!!
2) Play the latest games on either PC or Xbox- This is what i really wanted to do but still never got the time, i can either go to my friends place (cause he is the one with the Xbox and see what games to play, and i am stuck at home with the PC)
3) Go to as much parties as I can- money is the problem here, i can go to as much parties as i want but money is the problem, but lets see these are still the first days of summer, and parties wont be in short supply.
4) Ask this girl out- i have been dying to ask this girl out for some time now, but never got the time to ask her, but i can also be i as scared, but now that summer is here, now is my chance to ask her
5) Hopefully find a Summer Job- this is also one of my main objectives, finding a job would be awesome, but i am not looking to work all the vacation so something part time would be cool,
6) Lose Weight and Build my self Up- Dont we all want to lose that weight gained from last year and the years before ad also exercise and get that body we have all been dying for, but in my case that is impossible, but i say nothing is impossible!!!!
7) Take up an Adventurous Activity- i want to do something awesome this summer vacation, hopefully soon i can find it, fingers crossed !!!!

I Think that this will be the end of my list, mostly i am looking to just relax and just enjoy my self, maybe go to the beach, lie in the sun and maybe get tan, that is my main objective this summer, time to just relax

So until next time, enjoy your summer and stay tuned for more posts ^^ 


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