♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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A toilet break, leads to a massive clearance, this may sound a bit stupid at first, but just give it a few mins to sink in, and if you still dont get it then, its ok just continue to read and enjoy
A sudden realisation, by just taking one toilet break, well this is something that i wanted to talk about for some time now, i just wanted to say that, when ever you or me ever have a toilet break, dont you feel like you are able to think more clearly, i know this is something that all of you do know, but have you ever took the time just to sit and just think and think and think while taking a dump
today was like another day, but after my morning toilet break, i just had a missive clearance, its kinda sounds like something happened to me, dont worry i am fine, its just the more time you spend on a toilet seat after a taking a dump, you mind, is free and is able to think more better, just try it out, if your like me and thinking is not your strong point, just spend a few more mins after taking a dump and try to think about anything, i am sure you will be able to think more clearly about that topic, but if this doesn't work, then just continue to take a dump,
the funny thing is that i thoroughly thought about this post when i had finished taking a dump, and also i was able to think more about how life was going on............ so thinking on the toilet really really helps, it even helped me before, like when i was doing my O level exams in my old school, i was able to think more right after a dump, while sitting on the toilet............. i was able to think and also study more effectively, so you can say that i passed, with a massive clearance in mind (something that doesn't make sense, but does if you think about it, if you know what i mean) 
so long story short, sitting on the toilet makes you think more better, lets see if you will try that........... i am sure you can try it, what if the truth is that i am writing this  while on the toilet ??
so until next time, see you soon and happy thinking


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