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Jun 30, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Review)

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and to learn its secrets, and also new autobots along with new decepticons....... different scenes to get your heart racing and some to maybe even bring you to tears...
I was lucky to get a chance to see this movie, in the cinema, let me tell you that the cinema was packed, it was so full that people were even pushing, just to get into line..... our problem was that, we didnt get a chance to get our tickets cause the lines were massive, so we decided to go to another cinema located in Mirdif......... some of you may not know the place but, still it to was packed but we managed to get the tickets.....
so after the purchases and stuff.........As a huge fan of the Transformers animated series, I was disappointed with first Transformers film. I didn't really like the look of the Autobots and thought it was a little annoying. When I saw Transformers 2, which is a HUGE mess of a film, I was really angry. I vowed never to see a Transformers film ever again, but come on when i saw the trailer for this new one i was blown away, i went with high expectation to view the film and was granted awesomeness........ well all i can say is that it was the best thing ever, with all its actions and also another hottie included......... Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, another hottie i was like wow, but all i can say after that was Megan Fox was the best......... any way... getting back.....

The action scenes were highly extravagant and at times, pretty epic. The movie had a lot less lame scenes, which is always a plus, here and there fast moving action through out the movie will get you out of your seat...... also i went to watch it in 3D which was just amazing, well i have to admit that at some parts it was a bit and kinda a lot same that the other Transformers movies before but with that all a side, the movie was he best, i dont want to spoil anything for anyone but be prepared for the best thing to happen........ you will probably be fulfilled. A definite improvement over Revenge of the Fallen, which doesn't say much. But at the end, the great special effects and extremely extravagant action scenes more than make up its flaws. A summer flick that rises above the usual, noisy summer blockbuster films. I definitely recommend this film if you overall liked the franchise......... enjoy it !!!!!!


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