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Jul 9, 2011

A Boy and His Xbox

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

This may not be me but you get the general idea 
Let me start of by saying HAHA, no actually i just wanted to start of by telling you a little story about a boy and an xbox, Once upon a time, there was a individual boy, who in fact was me, we have all had dreams, and desires, well for this boy his most priced dream of all, in fact was to own his very own xbox 360, isnt it one of our own dreams as well, Dont we all dream of having one, but sometimes there are problems, like; for this boy his family wasn't and still is unable to purchase his one, crying and sad all the time the boy prays one day to GOD , and asks GOD "GOD please support my family and take care of them, but there was also one more thing on him mind, he slowly slipped in " GOD can you please provide my family with the finance, to allow themselves to buy me a............. xobx, then after that he got his sheets up and fell into a deep sleep, where he had a wonderful dream, where his family actually presented him with his very own xbox, the boy awoke with smile and cheer, and when off to talk to his mother, " mother mother, i just had the most wonderful dream ", but at this moment mother was busy and on a very urgent phone call, so the boy decided to wait and carried on, with his normal everyday routine, after a few hours of shouting and cheering from the other room, mother emerged out and told, her son; i just got a new job that pays more finance, with this the boy and mother jumped up for joy and cheered loudly, so that the neighbours could hear......... hang on a minute, let me rewind a bit to the phone call that mother was on......

Mother was on a phone call with her boss form her previous job, where that job was considered to be a hell hole, but i cant say that, actually it was worse, the amount of work that mother had to endure was out of this world....... it was to much for mother to bear, so on the phone call she was convincing her boss to let her go, but her boss wasn't being to agreeable and told that she needed to stay another one more month, inorder for her bos to dismiss her, so after all that mother; got some help and cleared everything out and now she was able to get that dream job she always wanted, which is to be a teacher, even though she was a teacher before, in that hell hole but now she is given more freedom to teach and enjoy her job, so with that the phone call ended and after all the cheering this happened.........

the boy, thought that this is GOD's doing and thanked GOD for it, after the boy thought of another idea, it came to him like a rocket, he said with a grin on his face " maybe now my dream can come true " and with that he dashed off to talk to his mother about his dream that he had last night and his actual dream, mother was shocked and also sad but also happy, she knew that she wanted the best for her child and agreed to purchases it for him but when she starts working again which will be in September, with this the boy felt light and full of joy, he felt like bursting out with joyfulness and happiness........ and with that i end a short story of my life as me being the boy and his dream coming true.......

(this is a true story from a recent moment in my life, and i am sure its going to happen soon, i will have an xbox 360 with kinect and then.......... i just go on enjoying life)

so stay tuned for more and i hope you enjoyed this, little story, well its not written that well but i hope you do get where i am going with it.......

The Moral to this story is never stop believing and Always, Always trust GOD !!!! 


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