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Jul 12, 2011

Summer To-Do List Updates ^^

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

Well, if you have read my little story on the Little boy and his xbox you can come up to grasp with the fact that that boy was in fact myself, getting an xbox and truth be told, i finally got one after such a long time, and i am so so so happy, but sad at the ame time, cause i will be travelling to France next week, and then to Srilanka so Two months are gone by without an xbox, but who am i to complain, complaining never got anyone anywhere, i know this from experience, and plus the more you complain the worse it becomes....... but the good thing about this trip is that i will be going to France for the first time and i will be a God- Father soon, and i know this may sound weird but, now i have a reason in my head when small children call me uncle........ so any ways i got an xbox which is awesome and i will also be going on a trip to Europe and to my Homeland, and then also i will be in a special place when i come back from my vacation, and no its not a job or anything, i will be in front with a girl in front of me with her hand holding my hands and we........ will......... be.......doing.........the........CHA CHA CHA !!!!! (LOL) but in all seriousness i will be dancing during the month of September which was not on my Summer To-Do list, but its a good addition............so if this is titled Summer To-Do List, then these are the most important and most going to happen things...... so making then a high priority...... in a sense where they are the first to happen and the others are left........... to take their time........

So any ways stay tuned for more and enjoy your summer vacation even though its almost over for me but who cares i had the time of my life and i will continue to have the time of my life till this vacation is over........ so GOD HELP ME if i dont, and if i dont i will just explode and flutter away like a feather in the wind, screaming for life........... (LOL) ^^


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