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Dec 20, 2012

Will the Wold End? What's after that?

By Delon Anthony

OMG the world is gonna end tomorrow;
havent we heard that a lot bouncing around all over the inter-webs, i dont really care if the world ends tomorrow, but I am kinda sad as i wasn't able to do certain things, whether it maybe explicit or just some simple things, at first upon hearing this i was skeptical about it, but realized that; damn what have i actually done in my life that has impacted the people around me or better yet what have i done for my self;
We cant exactly determine when the world is gonna end eventually one day the will end, and we in the end will either be happy with our lives that it wont matter whether we perish or we will just be to scared to accept the fact the world is ending and have actually not done anything re-source-full 
but yes on one hand i am kinda terrified that if the world ends, how will it happen, a major blackout, food shortage, major weather patterns that could de-face the whole planet, or God's placing judgement on us for our sins; as a Christian i do believe that there will be a day when God will judge place judgement on us, and we best be ready, those are just some of the ways the world could end, if you thought i forgot about a planet sized metor hitting the planet around midnight today December 20th 2012, ya i considered all the possible ways it could happen, or have I?  
but with all that a side, what will happen to the world if or when it does end, will things go back to normal, or  will it become a major catastrophic incident( of course we know that would happen, usually in the movies, but can movies become real life as well, all that fiction and story telling actually come true) 

anyways the point is if the world ends we shouldnt be scared of the outcome, as we know life will still go on as it is either with us or without  


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