♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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Dec 20, 2012

Will the Wold End? What's after that?

By Delon Anthony

OMG the world is gonna end tomorrow;
havent we heard that a lot bouncing around all over the inter-webs, i dont really care if the world ends tomorrow, but I am kinda sad as i wasn't able to do certain things, whether it maybe explicit or just some simple things, at first upon hearing this i was skeptical about it, but realized that; damn what have i actually done in my life that has impacted the people around me or better yet what have i done for my self;
We cant exactly determine when the world is gonna end eventually one day the will end, and we in the end will either be happy with our lives that it wont matter whether we perish or we will just be to scared to accept the fact the world is ending and have actually not done anything re-source-full 
but yes on one hand i am kinda terrified that if the world ends, how will it happen, a major blackout, food shortage, major weather patterns that could de-face the whole planet, or God's placing judgement on us for our sins; as a Christian i do believe that there will be a day when God will judge place judgement on us, and we best be ready, those are just some of the ways the world could end, if you thought i forgot about a planet sized metor hitting the planet around midnight today December 20th 2012, ya i considered all the possible ways it could happen, or have I?  
but with all that a side, what will happen to the world if or when it does end, will things go back to normal, or  will it become a major catastrophic incident( of course we know that would happen, usually in the movies, but can movies become real life as well, all that fiction and story telling actually come true) 

anyways the point is if the world ends we shouldnt be scared of the outcome, as we know life will still go on as it is either with us or without  

Why Judge ?

By Delon Anthony

Judgement, something that i haven't stressed upon, something i haven't actually taken my time to talk about it, so that's where judgement comes in as well, we all judge people from time to time, i will be honest here i have been a victim of judging  people behind their backs, either by looks or their personality i know its not good to judge people, and i am not saying continue doing it, just minimize it to a certain extent
Judging a person through his/her looks or their personality will tend to be ok at first but in the end we all know that it can affect them drastically, lets take an example judge the next person you see and then later get to know who that person is (it maybe difficult to get to know a stranger but that's the joy of meeting a new person, the sudden retaliation of meeting someone that could be something totally different that you eventually predicted) so added to that, this can go both ways as stated, you your self could get judged for no reason what so ever, then finally when the both of you meet and actually talk it out, i will become a whole different story, with outcomes like either: OMG i didnt know you were a Police officer, as you would have placed judgement on him/her to be a Drug addict (this is purely an example)

But this topic is always bounced around a lot so much and we have all been victim to judgments, right as i write this I my self could be judged for my style of writing, for either being a Road-scholar or a just an Average Joe writing posts for the entirety of the inter-webs to read
i Dont mind getting judged cause i know who i am and you should, dont let other people judge you on the way you dress, talk, or your personality, in fact tell them that i am proud to be who i am cause i was born this way for a special cause, just dont let the judgements of others bring you down , cause you are perfect the way you are and you dont have to change the way other people see you in their eyes

I am Glad to be posting again, lets see how much i can get before the end of the year 

Aug 24, 2012

I'll Be Back

By Delon Anthony

Well i know couple months have passed by since i last posted something but i still do read your wonderful comments and i will surely get back to blogging as soon as i can with more stories to tell and more happy fun time with me, a bit cheesy but you do get where i am going with this so keep those comments coming check out my other earlier posts and i will be back as soon as i get some issues sorted out

Thank you and I'll Be Back

Apr 8, 2012

Happy Easter Everybody

By Delon Anthony

Well so its Easter, that time of year where you can say that Easter is a promise that god renews to us during spring, may the promise of Easter fill your hearts with peace and joy, Happy Easter to you and all your Family Members, the day when Jesus Christ rose up on the third day, make this day special honor him and have fun
I am not sure what to do on Easter actually, as the sun dawns a new day breaks forward, giving way to a whole new prospective, a chance to change, a chance to live, a chance to do something different
Make this count, dont get caught up in random things that will just tie you down, make sure to live your life, i have on a personal note trying my best to do that but never seemed to get around to do it, but now since its a new day lets see what it holds
Happy Easter take care and May God bless you all

I know it been a really really long time since i recently blogged about something, you know how things are when you get attracted to something, you will be bond to it like glue
thats just a bit to much explanation there, there was supposed to be a fancy word somewhere in this sentence, but i just cant seem to get into mind, so lets say this is todays topic
What makes you go to extreme limits that you cant stop doing it?
well in my case i recently got my self a xbox console, it as good for sometime but then i realized that playing games all my life was not what my parents wanted from me in the first place, so things kept going the way they were, i missed so many events such as paint-balling with my pals, and it was supposed to be my birthday gift to my self from me, and i didnt even go for it cause i was so addicted to playing games that i missed it, and also on a personal note, i was supposed to have a little bit of fun with someone during my birthday, if you know what i mean, i just cant explain it cause i am not sure who reads this but i just like to keep it PG, so ya i have nothing against gaming but it does restrict you from certain things and you will miss out on a lot of daily events, if you are able to keep a balance then you are in the clear, but if you are me then.................... lets just say stop!!!!! cause when i get into something i got so competitive i cant stop and i want to finish it to the very last heart beat   
so well thats it for now, now that i am back i am gonna update this blog as much as i can cause you are what made this blog what it is today, and for that i thank you
and i apologize for leaving in the first place, as i mentioned things came up, things changed and now i changed back to my old daily routine of blogging and enjoying life as it was intended

Dec 18, 2011

Christmas, Christmas time is here

By Delon Anthony


As we all know that Christmas is just around the corner, we are all waiting for those gifts that were promised either by our parents or Santa if you believe that hes real, cause i do believe that hes real but some times i wish; upon a star when ever Christmas is around that i don't fall ill, I live in Dubai and it hardly ever snows here, but the weather is just worse than usual, during winter and around Christmas time its freakin' cold, and i do mean cold really cold, look at me taking about how miserable the weather is here in Dubai and how its just trows my mood off, but i can say that these kinds of months such as November or December have always been those kinds of months where all crazy shit happens, either something personal or just something totally random, maybe its for the best if this happens each and every day and only during these months at the most then maybe just maybe there is something coming next year and now i am just getting a taste of whats about  to happen, here is go again with running my mouth and saying that Christmas is a bad month and all that, i am not that into Christmas but its just  that i dislike this month, i have a feeling that everything will be alright in the end, hopefully soon, as its once said and only once said "All bad things have a way of going out of your life either in the weirdest way possible "
Also sorry about not updating this blog for quite sometime now, i have been on a real tight schedule and haven't cooked up the time to update this blog with all the things that happen to me and what my brain comes across.

Christmas, a time for joy and time for cheer this day brings forth everything good in a person's life, that's what i feel, there may be times where its a pain to be happy at certain times where the loss of a loved one brings back all those sorrow and sadness during this festive season, but trying to be happy will get you through it all, and with family and friends by your side, its just makes Christmas all that worth while spending it with family is just the way to go when celebrating Christmas.