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Jan 28, 2011

Beware of the weather

By Delon Anthony

Well the weather can be your friend or your worst enemy

Ok with that said the weather can influence you to do good and bad things also lets say it rainned out side and you get tempted to go outside and jump in the rain puddles that were fOrmed so this is an exciting thing to do but bad In the sence u can get sick so
That it you can get sick by having fun in the rain I know I do alot
The same thing happens when it snows :(
Well there is also another, sand storms nasty things they are they can blow you away even when your not looking it happened to me once
Well I live in Dubai so it's famous for sand storms but thus time it was different, the sand storm that just hit my appartment really rocked my socks apparently the wind picked up speed as I trying to get back into my flat
I was scared
Then it drizzled a bit and then started to rain so it was blowing sand as well as rain the worst and most dangerous combination know to man the sand can blind you and the rain can steer you clear of the road If you are driving

well I was sacred as the wind picked up speed and the rain just bashed on my bedroom windows really hard almost breaking it but don't worry it didn't break the glass I am safe ^__^

Well with that said my experience today was extremely awsome but scary but really cool also
So I say again the weather can be your friend or your worst enemy that could even kill you !!!!!!

Leave your comments and thankyou for reading ^___^. Stay tunned for more


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