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Jan 31, 2011

Where's the Love?

By Delon Anthony

well i recently got a new laptop but i feel i don't deserve it cause of all the harm i cause my parents in the past and  they still find it in their heart to buy me a gift
now that love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the past i hurt my parent so bad that they didn't even talk to me for a long time
i am actually using my new laptop now but still have a feeling i don't deserve it at all cause i hurt my parents badly
a few hours ago i almost destroyed my room cause my dad didn't think i was interested in going to the gym
well that is actually my fault cause i kinda over reacted and now hes not even talking to me and i wanted to apologise and say i was sorry and it wont happen again
and i also want to say sorry to the lord god for all my wrong doings i know he is listening to me while i write this and i do mean every word i say cause it come from the bottom of my heart
in the past i have dine many wrong things that hurt my family and my friends around me and i am truly sorry about that and it wont happen again
and still after all that torment i put my parents through they still found it in their hearts to forgive their stuopid son thats me by the way, and forgive him for his wrong doings and now that's love
and thats where love comes from, from your parents
and take it from me dont do anything to annoy your parents cause they are the only ones that will stick by you till the very end

and also i want to thank everybody and especially my family for helping me through my time of need and  am really great full about all the things they have done for me
and so i dedicate this post to my family and friends that read this and pls do understand that i am wiling to change and stop causing my parents so much harm in the future

well comments and stuff is welcome ^__^


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