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Jan 14, 2011

DiFFerent Connections by Russel And Delon

By Delon Anthony

Well we all know the world is becoming smaller day by day, everyone now days have common friends they are also able to find friends they have friends they haven't seen in ages.

The world is that small  that people have connections have connections with each other some way or the other, you could say that people mutual friends and where those mutual friends have friends that know you through them and their friends have friends have friends who know you as well so it goes in a cycle

The world is becoming smaller day by day ^__^  but that is also a good thing this way you will be able to find your friends more easily perhaps they could be your neighbors living on your street or even one apartment across form you but you wont know him/her

So do the right thing introduce your self get to know the person you may find you already know him/her but you never realized it ^__^


CrustyCranker said...

kind of related back to facebook didn't it? lawl

Delon Anthony said...

ya but not that much :)

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