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Jan 16, 2011

The mythical Playstation Phone is real! O___O

By Delon Anthony

  True! Images of the PlayStation Phone are available on a Chinese Website called "IT168" and this has, once and for all, proved that such a gadget exists! It is an Xperia device and is quite similar to the HTC Desire HD.

We still don't know if you will be able to play current games on this phone or if a new line-up of apps and games will be made available to us. However, if you want to buy this phone when it is finally launched, then you will get a 4 inch LCD display, a 5mp camera with flash, 512MB RAM and almost all the regular bells and whistles along with an app that functions as a game launcher; called the "PlayStation Pocket".

Well then the playsations will just go out of stock then

Technology is changing each and everyday one day each item will soon be in the palm of our hands


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