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Jan 19, 2011

New beginnings maybe, maybe not

By Delon Anthony

Well the year was supposed to bring forward new things and new opportunities but in my case it's the opposite its just another year for me just like the ones before last year was horrible I only managed to pass my O level exams managed to pass
But there were some good within that year I got in to emirates aviation college, meet a wonderful groups of friends, and the new year wasn't any good just another day just like christmas just another day with no joy what so ever
Well the year ended on a high note with me barely finishing my college assignments without cramming till next year
Well let's let's back to the new beginning another year another 12 months to go Until the next one
Well I should be glad that my birthday is coming up but still that's just another day it will like another and end like another
Feb may be a good month but I am not so sure about that
Well anyways
Leave comment telling how u spent your new year
I spent it at home doing assignments for college,wow my life is awesome
I was being sarcastic
Well leave comment pls there are welcome


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