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Feb 17, 2011

How I Went From Very Shy to more Shy

By Delon Anthony

well i am not that shy but i am shy, i know that doesn't make sense but i am quite shy, even when i am talking to a girl especially i really blush a lot when i speak to a girl cause i make my self look cute but still if i do blush that means i am making progress but still being shy is not all bad but..........

lets take another example if i have to go and make a speech or something like that so it becomes really hard for me to go and talk in a public gathering and so that really disabled me form making my graduation speech before i graduated but still.......

this was me all the time during my classes in school and
also in college 
being shy can be a goo thing but can also hold you back from doing certain things, i was shy to participate in a talent show because i was SHY and that really sucks but i cant blame my self but actually i should blame my self cause i was shy to do anything

and also being shy can be hard to cope with, trust me i was really  shy to tell this girl that i like her but when i di get the courage to tell her i was to late, she broke out the bad news that she had already liked someone else, i was really shocked but not surprised cause i was too shy to tell her sooner

so the picture on the right that really describes me when i am class, in college, school and the other places i have been
so lets see..................   shyness is bad thing i am trying to get rid of it completely from my system, so lets see shyness will be gone soon hopefully soon


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