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Feb 23, 2011

Love is Like A Garden

By Delon Anthony

Just like a garden, love is enjoyed when it is in full bloom. To keep it blooming the love in our hearts grows when tended. If we do not feed it, it slowly dies. But just like humans, our love needs more than watering. It also needs faithful and patient tending.
For such a garden to grow, it just needs to be watered with such deep devotion and hunger for our Beloved God. Just like plants and flowers, we thirst for His love and presence. Such thirst can only be quenched with His Word and our heart-to-heart communication and communion with Him.
well nowadays my heart has been attacked and stuff  killing me from within, slowly making me rot away, I wonder how  distressed the Lord was when He walked around the garden of my heart. Although guilt pains me for the time lost from His presence, still, God is always willing to water and till that dry ground again. 
but my garden of life is gone, and will never return 


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