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Feb 25, 2011

Money metaphor- The true story

By Delon Anthony

dont we all have this same problem,
where we have money coming in at a slow phase just like waiting for a turtle to walk towards you and then suddenly its all gone just like a rabbit been chased by a wolf, so the money we earn little by little goes on running away by the end of the week perhaps,
i know i also have the same problem i get some money for doing some small job then suddenly i have to spend it on stuff, that is just uncalled for, nowadays tv advertisements produce adverts that make us wanna, that really make us wanna buy unwanted stuff like a new mobile even though you already have that works, i blame the advertisements, but you cant blame them they have to do those kinds of things so that they suck every single dollar from our wallets, they act like wolves chasing after our rabbits, well that's one way of putting it, then the rich have their rabbits all safely hidden somewhere, cause they can get more, but we cant we have a limit, but they dont, we work like dogs and have a few rabbits to show for it but they can get easily cause all the money we give goes to them.


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