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well this story was really interesting to read and also really interesting to write but still i never really heard of these types of fish until today but i did see them before on tv but i didnt pay attention but now i know what they really are 

Though you may not have heard of them, mosquitofish are known among experts as being a highly social creature. In fact, they are so social that they will go to any lengths to find other fish - even counting! A recent study has shown that after associating a certain number of shapes on a door with returning to its group, these fish can distinguish between doors that have different numbers of shapes. This ability lessened as the quantities of shape grew closer in number; however, the researchers went on to prove that mosquitofish are no less skilled than college students at this sort of enumeration! 

Ratios Boggle Fish and Humans

As the researchers tinkered with the amounts on the doors, they found that when the sets of shapes were closer in number, the fish were less successful.
For example, when the ratio between the shapes on the two doors was 1:2 (8 versus 16) or 2:3 (8 versus 12), the fish chose the correct door more often than by chance. But when the ratio became 3:4 (9 versus 12), the fish showed no indication that they could detect a difference.
Keen to see how the numerical skills of fish compare to those of humans, the researchers asked a group of 25 undergraduate students to engage in a test that presented them with the same types of challenges.
The test forced the students to determine the difference between large numbers in two seconds, without stopping to deliberately count the shapes.
While humans were universally more accurate than fish, they showed the same degraded ability to judge number differences as ratios shifted from 2:3 to 3:4.
According to Agrillo and colleagues, the results add to evidence that humans, fish, and other vertebrates share the same abilities for processing numbers as a distant but common ancestor.
so you could say that the ape and the mosquitofish are related to us in certain ways ^__^ they all 
are related to everything. including fish so it's really no big surprise. but still its cool to have fish
 realted to us i wonder when we will be able to breathe under water like fish ^____^


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