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Finally a cure  temporarily but still its there ^__^

You would think an asthmatic person wouldn’t be caught dead riding a coaster, but positive emotional stress of riding a rollercoaster can actually interfere with their breathing troubles! A recent study showed that subjects’ dyspnea, or labored breathing, was higher just before the ride than immediately after it. This suggests that the asthmatic individuals tend to interpret their dyspnea through the lens of their emotional state. Most often this will cause them to overestimate or underestimate the dyspneic effects, depending on their level of positive or negative emotion. 

Dont have asthma but still isn't it great that science has other ways of curing people rather than having to stick needles-in to them and drugging them also and even having to conduct surgery at the same time, so now ii know they are using their brains when they found that a roller-coaster helping to cure asthma is quite smart and fun at the some time ^__^


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