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Feb 16, 2011

Valentine’s Day is banned in Saudi Arabia. WTF

By Delon Anthony

nice now that's love with a capital LOVE
well valentines day is already over and it really sucked and to add to the suckieness the government had to go and ban it in Saudi, i dont live in Saudi but i am sure that the people living there will also want to celebrate this joyfulness day, but no they just want to make people suffer and live alone and stuff like that, that is just crewel and i am appalled by this behaviour, but still valentines day did suck for me cause i didnt have a date at all but i did have my friends, who had dates and went out and had the time of their lives :( 
but its ok now its over, but this news is just shocking 

The nation has a religious police force that uphold the annual ban with support from the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Everything related to the holiday is prohibited - candy, flowers, gifts...even the colour red! even the colour RED WTF  It’s outlawed based on a fatwa, or Islamic legal ruling, against pagan holidays. They may have a good point. Even though the holiday often has the word “Saint” preceding it, most of the Valentine’s day traditions are rooted in a pagan fertility celebration.   but i do respect all religions so if the religion doesn't like it then we cant do anything about it but we can change but that is just my opinion but i know i wont change my religion. 
so do expect more posts and pls do comment also thnx 


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