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now thats news the strongest beer in the world wow now thats cool i want to have a drink so badly now but sadly my parents wont let me drink but who give a F**K i drink any ways but getting back to the story at hand, well the strongest beer saying that just makes me want it that more :)

just look at the picture and tell me if they listened to the news and
then had the drink 

“Sink the Bismarck,” a beer brewed by the Scottish company BrewDog, is 41 percent alcohol. To give you an idea of the potency of this potable, that’s like drinking your typical vodka, rum, or tequila! wow more cooler so its like drinking three four types of drinks in one cup yay i want it so bad :)

but i advice all my reader to not drink but drink at special occasions  :) hahahahahha   

i read the article where i got the info from and it says "This is an extremely strong beer; it should be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance - in exactly the same manner that you would enjoy a fine whisky" you think that people ever listen to the news they wont i know i dont but i am not sure about you guys but i know i dont listen, so lets see when the next party shows its little head then we will see who is gonna listen to the news :P 


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