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Apr 4, 2011

April 1st One of the best days to date XD

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

April 1 is most notable day in the Western world for being April Fools' Day.
Well with that said, April 1st was the day i was actually born on, dont believe me, well you have to its not an April fools joke, cause this is usually the case for my fellow 'aprilians' (dont mind the spelling over there) but lets just say they dont take us seriously, we may tell them its our birthday, but they tend to not believe us, this makes me so mad cause i cant help it, i came out of my Mums Place on this day, what am i supposed to do, tell the doctor to push me in and seal it up (LOL)  but anyways, the best April fools joke to pull, could be or should be that they pretend to tell you that they didn't know that today was your birthday and act like you are pulling their leg, but then this is where the real fun happens, they will tell u right up and straight that it was a April fools joke, (well this is actually not the best joke ever made, soory about that) but i was really hoping that some of my friends would have pulled a joke or two on me as it was my birthday, but sadly they didn't, but we did have one heck of a party on the 31st of march, but still the idea of a joke was needed but no one seemed to deliver, i know that some people say that you can still fool a person ever after April the 1st but i dont think so, i think that April 1st is fools day and all the joke and silliness should be expressed in bulk on that day as it makes it more special 

Aprils fools day in other countries (but mostly in the European regions cause those to me are the funniest) 

The April 1 tradition in France and French-speaking Canada includes poisson d'avril (literally "April's fish"), attempting to attach a paper fish to the victim's back without being noticed. This is also widespread in other nations, such as Italy, where the term Pesce d'aprile (literally "April's fish") is also used to refer to any jokes done during the day. In Spanish-speaking countries, similar pranks are practiced on December 28, día de los Santos Inocentes, the "Day of the Holy Innocents". This custom also exists in certain areas of Belgium, including the province of Antwerp. The Flemish tradition is for children to lock out their parents or teachers, only letting them in if they promise to bring treats the same evening or the next day.
Well you dont have to read all of it, but just read the highlighted parts, well i cant highlight everything cause the whole thing is important, just take some time an read through it.

well thnx reading and do expect more, and more and more and more, etc.  hope u enjoed reading hope i wrote it properly ^___^ 
leave a comment or a message and thnx 


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