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Apr 5, 2011

A classic meal for a very classy day

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

well today stared off like another, woke up late, and tried to do my work but couldn't, well the days still young, but getting back to the point at hand
BREAKFAST, the most important meal of the day, well todays breakfast was different for me, to was just classic, it was something i never had in a long time and which is something hat only happens once in a blue moon, but in this case once in a blue sun (LOL =D  )  
well today was supposed to be and is supposed to be a very classic day, cause one of my long time friends are coming over and i am really glad that she is coming today, and i have a feeling that today is going to be a lucky day cause i haven't seen her in a long time........... so i am hoping that today is going to EPIC
But the main thing here is that today is going to be a really classically EPIC day

as the old saying does what starts good ends good (well actually its not a saying but i made up)
well thnx for reading and leave a comment or message tell me what you think and thnx again ^___^


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