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Apr 22, 2011

Good Friday, the day of days

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

well today was good Friday, so that meant that i had to go to church, i haven't gone in while, its seems like ages, ago i remember when i had catholicism classes, that was the only time i had gone to church, but getting back, you know they say that when u dont do something for a certain period of time u tend to forget about that thing completely, well that before i went to church, i felt like i had lost faith, i felt like i had lost faith in the lord, i felt like i was driven away, i was begging my mum not to take me, i cam up lots of excuses, no to go 
but i did eventually got ready and went for mass, when i stepped into the ground i felt something =, something like a welcome, something telling me thnx for coming, well i could have been the church volunteers, but i am just kidding, but i did feel something
well mass had started and during the mass i really felt like........ everything was good, everything was better, i felt like all the harm and torture that beheld me had disappeared,

this Friday was special cause it, was good Friday, the day that in which its a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians thats me  commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy FridayGreat Friday, or Easter Friday,  though the latter normally refers to the Friday in Easter week.

so this day made me feel more alive than ever, it might have been a blessing for me, for going to church after all those years, maybe it can also be a thank you gift form the lord, who knows only god knows

well do expect more, and again i am sorry if my posts are late, there is usually nothing interesting going on these days, but lerts see tmrw is a new day 


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