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Apr 26, 2011

a note/letter to my future self.......

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

Dear Me,
well things might be a lot different than compared to where i am now, hope you are doing well, just wanted to see how you were, hopefully you are set with a good job and a wonderful wife, or maybe just a girl till now, or are you still carrying out the same thing, where you are just a bachelor for life, well i am telling you now, if all things work out well here in the past, hopefully there will be better opportunities, for yourself, me being you in the future, well this was supposed to be a note but, now that i have got into writing there is no stopping me expect, certain things, (nudge, nudge)

well getting back if all goes on well here, wish i hope it will, there will be a brighter tmrw for the both of us, and for the sake of us please, please dont be emo, it will not get you anywhere, i will do everything from my side to stop that from happening but, you should control it more, and also we need to get some anger management classes in order before we, kill someone, well anyways i am telling you from now, the right one in this case the right girl is out there somewhere, waiting i will try my best to find her, and a favor, if you dont mind, KEEP HER, dont lose her dont say it wont work or anything, i will get the best possible one there is, but its your job to keep her, care for her, and also one more thing, TIME MANAGEMENT thats both our problems, that is something that we need to fix first before anything else, or maybe of any family problems show its ugly face then reconsider, cause family come first............... well anyways, thats all from me for now, hopefully it will work out great for the both of us, i am sure it will and DEL....... never stop believing, cause its the best thing you can do for the both of us. there are so many thing that we can talk about but......... just remember one thing again, take the bull by the horns, it may kill you but the risk is worth it, i am doing that right now, continue to do that it seems to work out better for us....

Yours sincerely,


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