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May 16, 2011

Actions vs Reactions Brief....

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

"Actions cause Different Reactions"

So as good as things sound there is always somethin or another to disrupt the positive balance of things including days, weeks, lives, family related issues, so what i am trying to say here is that there is a bad side to everything good, not all the time, but on certain special times, i cant think of examples right now at this moment but as soon as i post this i might get an idea but i would be to lazy to edit it... but you may have experienced it before, or right now as we both read.....
so lets see today was a bad day as usual, everything stared off bad and got worse, i think it was cause of Friday the 13th coming into play, if you read my earlier post you would have seen that it effects, and causes back luck for the week ahead, but i dont think its all to blame, because it can also be through a persons actions and reactions making it either good or bad.........actions speak louder than words is what can be brought up here, making it settle in as something good and at the same time something bad,
So anyways to continue about my day, went off to a bad start, i lost my assignment cover sheet, where its used to grade my self on the tasks i do for that assignment, also that i was sick since saturday, well not yesterday last week in fact....... it cant all be bad luck, there is no such thing, just the way people react to situations either in a way that effects them, badly or comforts them,
I feel that everything happens for a reason cause if that wasnt the case then the world will not be the same, different situations will either be harmfull, and some can be enjoyable, but with a catch...... So thats what i said before.....
"Actions can cause different reactions", also Actions speak louder then words" and "Live life to the fullest"
well thats all for now thnx for reading, please comment, rate and subscribe, i sound like those guys ans gals the make youtube videos, and end with that same sentence....


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