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May 21, 2011

The world will end at 6 p.m. today

By Delon Anthony

how far do we know that is true, with those many encounters, like the earthquakes, etc.. we are sure to believe that these things  will point out that the world will end at this time but why now? why so soon, i do believe that it will end next year, 2012 but how do we know that is also true. 
Forget the guy carrying the sign that reads "The End Is Near." According to a man named Harold Camping "The End Is Here!"
On more than 1,200 billboards, in full-page newspapers ads and on all the major news networks, Camping has generated national coverage with his warning to the world that the Day of Judgment begins at 6 p.m. today (I'm not sure if that's Eastern Standard Time or Central Standard Time).
Either this is true or not, my prediction  is that i dont know what to believe, everyone will say that th world will end to today, for me i do think it might, but i am not so sure, i dont want to be the guy that says its going to end and then it doesn't but lets see, how 6PM will be today, either there will be panic on the streets today, or is this all just a hoax
These "predictions" tend to gain traction when a lot of difficulties are happening in the world. Whether it is on-going threats of terrorism; record-high prices from the gas station to the grocery store; natural disasters such as earthquakes in Japan, tornadoes in Alabama, and flooding in Mississippi; or the consideration of a national failed economy; right now, there's a lot of insecurity in our world.
But what if there was the possibility of a greater purpose happening in life that promised a better life than this? What if there is a bigger story going on than the stories on CNN and the stories that makes up your life? What if, as C.S. Lewis said, "there is a story which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before"?
I do believe there is such a place — it's called Heaven. Those with no trust in God must logically conclude "With my last breath, my story ends. This life is as good as it gets." either god takes me to heaven or not, i am damn sure that i lived a good life t say those words ,
At about 6 pm on May 21, Harold Camping reckons 2 percent of the world's population will be immediately "raptured" to Heaven; while the rest of us will be sent straight to the Other Place.
After 70 years of studying the Bible, he claims to have developed a system that uses mathematics to interpret prophesies hidden in it. He says the world will end on May 21, because that will be 722,500 days from 1 April AD33, which he believes was the day of the Crucifixion.   
Camping previously thought that the world was going to end on September 06, 1994, but discovered that he had made a mathematical error. whats to say he made a another miss calculation again, lets wait to find out....


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