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May 22, 2011

the world will not end today DAMN !!!!

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD :D

so, its official the world didn't end, if your reading this post then it, in fact was just a hoax, and the so called prediction didn't come true, it could have been all a lie, ya actually it was a lie, but this maybe a sign to see how people would react if the world was really going to end, today or yesterday.
so to put this in brief, the WORLD DIDN'T END AND ITS A HOAX, so now we can get along with our lives, get back to our old boring routine, but there is one thing i can tell you from the bottom of my heart, the day that this was announced was the best thing, it maybe stupid to say, but thats how i feel, and i feel like that everything that needed to happen could have happened for that reason, the reason being the world ending, you may not get what i am saying write now, but you will soon, long story short, everything that needed to happen will happen during that faithful day.
so stay tuned and dont worry about the end, there is still time, there maybe signs all around us but, there is a date later on........ it will happen later..... and this is what i believe.


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