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Jul 9, 2011

My Mobile app is here, (very soon ^^)

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

Well i dont mean to brag but i have just finished creating my very first app contributing to my Blog, making it more easier for you my wonderful wonderful readers to gain more access to on your mobile devices, and i want to thank you so much for everything and please do consider getting my mobile app, it will be available for all mobile devices, including the iphone and ipad, but will take some time to create but dont worry i will right on it............ any ways enjoy my app and tell me in the comments if i should add some more or anything else and i will see what i can do........

this will be the name of my mobile site
^Awthrule.Blog^ Mobile App

it will take some time and stuff to generate it........ but it will be up soon, i will contain my recent posts form this Blog and all the pervious posts and stuff and also it will contain my Twitter Page........ so you can follow me there and also it contains my Youtube pages, including my Favourites and my uploads, 

please do consider getting it and also dont mind the fact that its not that good looking, besides it my very first app and i am just getting used to the fact, that i can make things like this...... so any ways go on and try it out and tell me what you think and also do follow me on twitter @Delondx and enjoy the app when its up and running which will be soon dont worry about that 

Here are some of the Screen shots...... enjoy 


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