♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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Jul 11, 2011

Update for my Mobile Blog site ^^

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

well now my mobile site is up and running and thats good, its up so go and check it out
so the site is

you will need to download my mobile app so visit the site above to get it, is aviable for iphone, nokia, blackberry and other mobile devices, if there are any problems just let me know in the comments section or just leave a msg and i will make sure that i get back to and solve those issues

so the site again is : awthruleBlog.mobapp.at
so until next time and please follow and stay tuned for more


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