♚✞Discover What My Brain Comes Across✞♚

Take one step into my mind, what will you find, I am sure I can leave the up to you ✌ Peace... DTM

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Sep 14, 2011

Milestone completed !!!

By Delon Anthony

Yeeehawww XD

OH my OH my would  you look at that i think we reached over my 10000 page views milestone, and i just want to thank all of you for what you did and thank you for making this blog something that brings me happiness and joy, not just me but also to you, thank you all and i am sorry i haven't been that frequent in posting stuff i was a bit busy with stuff, but we broke the milestone and i thank you all , i will be updating my blog really soon, as soon as i get time, in the meantime i just want to thank you guys and gals soo much...........Peace out


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